CBSA Refusal of Consent Form FAQ

Tell Border Security: “I Do Not Consent” Being present at border crossings should not mean consent to being filmed for any purpose related to making a television series. It is an […]

Deportation is Not Entertainment: Update

The BC Civil Liberties Association is glad to join  so many individuals and community groups in celebrating the news that footage obtained for the reality television show “Border Security” during a […]

Deportation Is Not Entertainment

On March 21, 2013 the BCCLA filed a formal complaint with the federal Privacy Commissioner on behalf of a migrant worker who had been filmed for the Canada Border Services Agency’s […]

A National ID Card by Stealth? The BC Services Card

This year-long project has researched the policy environment and privacy implications associated with the BC Services Card. The card, which replaces the “outdated” health CareCard, proposes to join the driver’s […]

The “Death” of Bill C-30

First We Dance; Then We Gear Up for Battle with the Zombies… Time to celebrate! Here at the BCCLA, we were out dancing in the streets and sharing virtual hi-fives […]