The BCCLA has published a widely expanded update of The Arrest Handbook with major changes to the legal landscape and new sections on heavily policed communities, mental health and involuntary treatment, and civil disobedience, protest, and Indigenous resistance.

The Handbook is available now in English, French, Punjabi, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.

Protecting human rights and civil liberties in Canada since 1962.

The BCCLA has been actively advancing human rights and civil liberties through litigation, law reform, community-based legal advocacy, and public engagement and education for over 60 years.


Immigration Detention Coalition

Canada’s immigration detention regime is inhumane, ineffective, and violates international human rights law. This contract...

Palestine Solidarity

Protecting fundamental freedoms is crucial to ensuring all people in Canada can engage in public...

Secret Spy Hearings

In 2014 the BCCLA fought back against illegal spying by filing complaints against the Canadian...

Ban Police Street Checks

For years the BCCLA has been advocating to ban police street checks. Street checks are...

No Justice in Isolation

Challenging “Lockdowns” in Canadian Prisons   On October 12, 2021, the BCCLA filed a lawsuit...