Death with dignity update: delay is not an option

It’s been eight months since our historic victory before the Supreme Court of Canada affirming the right for the seriously and incurably ill to seek physician assistance in dying. At […]

Abbotsford trial comes to a close

This week, final arguments came to a close in BC/Yukon Association of Drug War Survivors (DWS) v Abbotsford (City). This was a landmark six-week trial in which a group of […]

Pride & Privacy

For the 35th anniversary of Vancouver Pride, the BCCLA reflected on the role privacy has played in protecting LGBTQ+ people and winning LGBTQ+ rights.  Before our love was celebrated as widely […]

I was spied on

The Canadian government has been spying on law abiding Canadians engaged in peaceful activities related to the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline project. In what The Guardian has called “unprecedented” sharing […]

A tough week for voting rights

Recently, the Ontario courts issued two important decisions affecting Canadians’ constitutionally protected right to vote. The decisions are troubling. Between them, the rulings will effectively disenfranchise over a million Canadian […]