1) The new Canadian “no-fly” regime

Bill C-51 brought in the Secure Air Travel Act (SATA) which modifies the Canadian “no-fly” scheme (the Passenger Protect Program) to be more like the US model.  People on one […]

Stingray surveillance: more of the story

After an immensely frustrating back-n’-forth with the Vancouver Police Department (VPD), we are starting to get at least some information about the VPD’s use of surveillance devices known as “Stingrays”.  […]

We’re hiring for a Staff Counsel (Policy)!

The BCCLA seeks a lawyer who is passionate about using their legal skills to uphold civil liberties and human rights in Canada. The position will commence as soon as possible. […]

In memory of Elayne Shapray

We wish to share with our friends and supporters a few words about a tireless advocate, and our friend, Elayne Shapray. Volunteer, activist, spokesperson, and indomitable spirit. Born on Sept. […]

Water is Life

  110. That’s how many people died in the Lower Mainland during a one-week heat wave in 2009 – a 40% increase in mortality compared to an average week. And […]