A note from the President on TWU

Dear fellow BCCLA members, I am writing to you about the Board’s recent decision to change our position on whether Trinity Western University should be granted accreditation for its proposed […]

Ewert v. Canada

Ewert v. Canada is a case being heard by the Supreme Court of Canada on Thursday, October 12, 2017, challenging the use of prisoner risk assessment tests that can be […]

Welcome to our new staff!

Please extend a huge welcome to our new staff members Dylan Mazur, Iman Baobeid, and Amrit Bhangoo!

Speak Back Against Racism and Islamophobia

This weekend a horrific attack by a white nationalist during a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, left one anti-racist counter-protestor dead and 19 injured. Across the border, we cannot […]