Medical Assistance in Dying

People who are suffering unbearably with serious and incurable medical conditions should have the right to choose a dignified and peaceful death. After ten years and two groundbreaking cases, the […]

In Loving Memory of Robyn Moro

January 28, 1949 – August 31, 2017 “Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public.” – Cornel West   Dear Robyn, Thank you for your courage. You […]

In memory of Elayne Shapray

We wish to share with our friends and supporters a few words about a tireless advocate, and our friend, Elayne Shapray. Volunteer, activist, spokesperson, and indomitable spirit. Born on Sept. […]

We did it!

You brought us to our goal! What incredible week. In just 6 hours we raced passed our initial goal of $25,000. Then, just over a week after launching our crowdfunder, […]

Your MP needs to hear from you today.

Bottom line: The federal government of Canada has proposed assisted dying legislation that is much more restrictive than what the Supreme Court decided. The proposed legislation, Bill C-14, would leave out […]

House of Commons Contact Information Find your Member of Parliament using your Postal Code Find your Member of Parliament using your Postal Code Note: The dataset provided by Elections Canada […]

Assisted dying bill: suffering Canadians left behind

This morning the federal government released its long awaited bill on medically assisted dying. While the legislation permits assisted dying for adults suffering from physical illnesses, and does not include some […]