Canada is in need of serious access to information reform
Canada’s access to information (ATI) system is in crisis. It is taxing on those who administer it, the process of obtaining information is unnecessarily lengthy and cumbersome for users and […]
Avis aux mĂ©dias: Les groupes canadiens de dĂ©fense des droits humains dĂ©noncent la courte pĂ©riode d’audiences du comitĂ© parlementaire pour l’Ă©tude du Projet de loi C 51 et des principales rĂ©formes proposĂ©es concernant la sĂ©curitĂ© nationale
26 fĂ©vrier, 2015 Pour diffusion immĂ©diate Les groupes de dĂ©fense des droits humains de tout le Canada ont rĂ©agi avec inquiĂ©tude et se sont dits fortement prĂ©occupĂ©s après que le […]
Supreme Court closes physician-assisted dying debate
Originally published by Impact Ethics and reproduced with permission. J.S. Russell and D.A. Browne discuss the Supreme Court of Canada’s historic decision to strike down the ban on physician-assisted dying. […]
The Day The World Fought Back
In the last year, the world has learned that mass surveillance by governments knows no bounds. Today, February 11th, internet users around the world are standing together. Today, individuals, civil […]
The Writing and Speeches of Bob Rowan
Professor Robert J. Rowan (Bob to everybody in his classrooms and the BCCLA) was one of the founding directors of the BCCLA, and contributed a substantial portion of its  foundation. […]
Carter v. Canada: The Death with Dignity Case
Synopsis The BCCLA filed a lawsuit in April 2011 to seek to allow seriously and incurably ill, mentally competent adults the right to receive medical assistance to hasten death under […]
Conscientious Objection: the Writing and Speeches of Bob Rowan
On Conscientious Objection As you read this essay you will soon recognize that it heavily reflects its period of writing (completed in late 1968). WWII was only 23 years ago, […]
Prison Justice: BCCLA at the SCC
The BCCLA appeared before the Supreme Court of Canada on prison issues twice in October, re-asserting that for prisoners, “‘The rule of law is absent, although rules are everywhere’”. Â With […]
SPYING IN CANADA: Civil Liberties Watchdog Sues Surveillance Agency Over Illegal Spying On Canadians
Electronic privacy protections and oversight are worse in Canada than in the United States VANCOUVER, B.C. (October 22, 2013) – The BC Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA) filed a lawsuit today […]
Democracy, Education and Philosophy: the Writing and Speeches of Bob Rowan
Preface This set of dialogues was delivered on a CBC radio series over twelve weeks. I wrote and then read these aloud for broadcast, my voice trying to play both […]