2024 Budget Fails People with Disabilities

The BC Civil Liberties Association joins the chorus of persons with disabilities (PWD) and disability advocacy groups in expressing our profound disappointment in the federal government’s failure to make good […]

Border rights: what you need to know

Like many of you, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my rights at the border. In light of reports that numerous Canadians have been refused entry to the United […]

Updated: Our National Security Consultation series

A Different Shade of Green Paper: What the government forgot to mention The federal government recently announced the launch of the much-anticipated National Security Consultation.  This is an unprecedented opportunity […]

Welcome Maggie Knight, BCCLA’s Operations Manager

Please extend a huge welcome to Maggie Knight, BCCLA’s first Operations Manager. Maggie has just joined the team last week. Previously, Maggie ran communications and operations at RADIUS, a social […]

In praise of police judo

JUDO, THE GENTLE WAY During law school, I contemplated going on to do a Master’s Degree in Criminology at Oxford.  I even pitched the head of the department with a […]

The BCCLA is hiring an Operations Manager!

  The BC Civil Liberties Association seeks an Operations Manager to support us in achieving our human rights and civil liberties mandate through the design, implementation and management of office […]

A tough week for voting rights

Recently, the Ontario courts issued two important decisions affecting Canadians’ constitutionally protected right to vote. The decisions are troubling. Between them, the rulings will effectively disenfranchise over a million Canadian […]

Coming Together in Memory and Hope

This is a defining moment in the epic legal battle the BC Civil Liberties Association has been waging for over four years to decriminalize physician assisted dying. Tomorrow, on October 15, […]

Carter v. Canada: The Death with Dignity Case

Synopsis The BCCLA filed a lawsuit in April 2011 to seek to allow seriously and incurably ill, mentally competent adults the right to receive medical assistance to hasten death under […]

BC Civil Liberties Association 2023 Annual Report

Throughout 2023, the BCCLA persisted in our fight to uphold freedom and justice across Canada, sharpening our focus on the inextricable connection between civil liberties and human rights. The BCCLA’s […]