Proposed sweeping changes to Canada’s security laws: a look at Bill C-51
Bill C-51, the Anti-Terrorism Act, 2015, is a complex omnibus bill representing the most radical and sweeping changes to Canada’s security law landscape since the legislative response to 9/11. In […]
Bill C-51 submissions, redux
This week, the Senate’s Standing Committee on National Security and Defence continues its pre-study of Bill C-51, while an amended version of the Bill proceeds to third reading in […]
Foreign Radical: a theatrical game and panel
Theatre Conspiracy presents a mobile interactive theatre experience for 20 participants per showing to explore the issues of surveillance, security, terrorism, profiling, privacy, and freedom of expression. Participants are invited to team up, debate, […]
RELEASE: Canadian human rights organizations urgently call for Bill C-51 to be withdrawn
March 30, 2015 For immediate release OTTAWA – Today, as the House of Commons’ Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security commences its clause-by-clause review of Bill C-51, the […]
Avis aux médias: Les organisations canadiennes de défense des droits humains lancent un appel urgent pour le retrait du Projet de loi C-51
30 mars 2015 Pour diffusion immĂ©diate Aujourd’hui, alors que le ComitĂ© permanent de la Chambre des communes de la sĂ©curitĂ© publique et la sĂ©curitĂ© nationale commence son examen article par […]
RELEASE – Spying on protesters: new allegations added to BCCLA’s complaint against CSIS
OTTAWA – As Parliamentary hearings into the proposed anti-terror Bill C-51 draw to a close, the BC Civil Liberties Association has filed new allegations that CSIS unlawful spied on peaceful […]
8 things you need to know about Bill C-51
By Alyssa Stryker, BCCLA Caseworker, and Carmen Cheung, BCCLA Senior Counsel A condensed version of this piece first appeared in The Tyee. At over 60 pages, Bill C-51 – the […]
Public meeting: new anti-terror legislation – a threat to the rights of all Canadians?
The Stand up for the North Committee is hosting a public meeting to discuss the new anti-terror legislation as proposed by the federal government. There will be an introductory presentation […]
RELEASE: Canadian rights groups decry limited Parliamentary Committee hearings for Bill C-51, proposed major national security reforms
For immediate release Rights groups across Canada reacted with alarm and deep concern to the news that the government has brought forward a motion limiting study of Bill C-51, the […]
Avis aux mĂ©dias: Les groupes canadiens de dĂ©fense des droits humains dĂ©noncent la courte pĂ©riode d’audiences du comitĂ© parlementaire pour l’Ă©tude du Projet de loi C 51 et des principales rĂ©formes proposĂ©es concernant la sĂ©curitĂ© nationale
26 fĂ©vrier, 2015 Pour diffusion immĂ©diate Les groupes de dĂ©fense des droits humains de tout le Canada ont rĂ©agi avec inquiĂ©tude et se sont dits fortement prĂ©occupĂ©s après que le […]