Parliament: 1 / Government: 0

In a precedent-setting decision this afternoon, House of Commons Speaker Peter Milliken ruled that the government could be compelled to disclose to Parliament uncensored copies of documents relating to the transfer […]

Meanwhile, back at the MPCC …

Busy day on the document disclosure front.  Earlier, we recapped the goings-on in Parliament, in which the Speaker of the House of Commons ruled that government was in breach of […]

MPCC hearings schedule update

As promised, here’s what we know so far about the upcoming weeks. The subject witnesses, who were all scheduled to testify over the next three weeks, have been adjourned, pending […]

See you in September (?)

The latest dust-up at the MPCC over document disclosure from the Department of Justice looks to derail the next few weeks of hearings. The hearings were initially scheduled to be […]

No dice

The MPCC isn’t in session today, which means that we at the BCCLA national security blog can turn our attention to other matters in our portfolio. Earlier this week, Lt.-Col. […]