Not my job

Lt-Col. Douglas Boot / The Canadian Press via The Globe and Mail This morning at the MPCC, we heard from Lt-Col. Douglas Boot, the Provost Marshal at Canadian Expeditionary Force […]

Curiouser and curiouser

Or perhaps in the case of Sansterre, not curious at all.  The Globe and Mail has a blisteringly spot-on editorial in today’s edition.  We recommend that you read the whole […]

Paul Champ

Vancouver, B.C. – Paul Champ, the Ottawa-based lawyer who is acting for the B.C. Civil Liberties Association and Amnesty International Canada at the ongoing Military Police Complaints Tribunal hearings into […]

Richard Colvin at the MPCC: Part 1

Big media day at the MPCC this morning, as senior diplomat Richard Colvin appears before the Committee.  Colvin’s testimony before Parliament on his longstanding concerns about the treatment of CF-transferred […]

Richard Colvin at the MPCC: Part 2

Richard Colvin in 2009. Image: CBC The afternoon examinations of Mr. Colvin went into overtime today, extending another 40 minutes or so beyond the scheduled close of session. Of particular […]

Torture? What torture?

Week 2 of the MPCC Afghan Public Interest Hearings started off with testimony this morning from Lieutenant-Colonel Gilles Sansterre, commanding officer of the Canadian Forces National Investigative Service — the […]

“Would you call that an adequate investigation?”

This afternoon at the MPCC Afghanistan Public Interest Hearings, BCCLA Litigation Director Grace Pastine had the opportunity to cross-examine Lieutenant-Colonel Gilles Sansterre, the head investigator at the Canadian Forces National […]

Troops knew of torture in Afghan prisons

Today’s hearings at the MPCC were open to the public again, with retired MP officer Captain Mark Naipul testifying in the morning session.  Naipul had guarded detainees in Kandahar during […]