Not my job (redux)

The BCCLA National Security blog is posting from sunny Ottawa today, where we finished up the last of the MPCC witnesses until hearings resume again in mid-June.  Carmen Cheung, Counsel […]

This week at the MPCC

The Afghanistan Public Interest Hearings at the Military Police Complaints Commission continue this week before a month-long break while the Commission waits for the government to make the required document […]

Students and BCCLA to fight censorship at U Vic

Youth Protecting Youth (YPY), a pro-life student club at the University of Victoria, has initiated a legal action against the University of Victoria Student Society in B.C. Supreme Court. The […]

CBSA laptop search documents

In late February, shortly after the story we posted about the Canada Border Services Agency delaying our request for documents on their policies on searching laptops and other personal electronics, […]