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Border Security is Not for TV

Travelling often means crossing borders. But being present at a border doesn’t mean that you consent to being filmed for any purpose related to making a TV show or other broadcast.The Canada Border Services Agency is collaborating with private companies to make a television show called Border Security. If you don’t want to be filmed at the border, you have to notify a crew member to accommodate your request.

Being present at border crossings should not mean consent to being filmed for any purpose related to making a television series. It is an infringement of privacy rights for the government or its partners to film and to use or disclose personal images or any information for the purposes of entertainment or “public information”, or to make any kind of television show or other broadcast.

Here are two things you can do to protect your privacy, and stop the CBSA from filming without your explicit consent:

Refuse or Revoke Your Consent

Refuse and Revoke Your Consent

If you have crossed the border recently or if you plan to travel to the United States, you might be a part of the Border Security TV show without even knowing it. Protect your privacy rights by letting Canada Border Services Agency know that you refuse your permission to have your private travel featured on reality TV. It only takes a few minutes. The BCCLA will communicate that you do not want your information used to the appropriate authorities.
 Brennan Novak, from The Noun Project

Participate in the BCCLA’s Privacy Complaint

If you have crossed the border recently or if you plan to travel to the United States, you might be a part of the Border Security TV show without even knowing it. Would you like to protect your privacy rights by letting Canada Border Services Agency know that you refuse your permission to have your private travel featured on reality TV?


Further Resources

Cancel Border Security Coalition – Information on the broader campaign to stop the CBSA from producing this reality TV show that violates people’s rights.

More Legal Cases

Cases in which the BCCLA has been involved and their legal documents

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