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Cases and Law Reform

The BCCLA leads reform work by issuing policy submissions to all levels of government and taking a firm stance on issues that lead to policy change within our communities. With many ongoing cases, the BCCLA centres on protecting our community members’ fundamental rights and freedoms with every submission. 

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In 2021 Ontario extended the pre-election period where third-party ad spending is limited. The law...
The Province of Quebec appealed a trial decision which found that “random” traffic stops violate...
The BC Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA), Animal Justice (AJ) and Centre for Freedom of Expression...
This case involves a young person under the care of the Director of Youth Protection...
This case was brought by a group of Ontario youth who are arguing that Ontario’s...

No Justice in Isolation

Challenging “Lockdowns” in Canadian Prisons   On October 12, 2021, the BCCLA filed a lawsuit...

Immigration Detention Coalition

Canada’s immigration detention regime is inhumane, ineffective, and violates international human rights law. This contract...

Secret Spy Hearings

In 2014 the BCCLA fought back against illegal spying by filing complaints against the Canadian...

Ban Police Street Checks

For years the BCCLA has been advocating to ban police street checks. Street checks are...

Digital Privacy Rights for Youth

More and more of our lives involve electronic devices. When you slip your phone into...