Canadian Surveillance Agency seeks to suppress information about its activities
June 22, 2016
Attention News Editors:
Tomorrow, Thursday, June 23, 2016, the BC Civil Liberties Association will appear in Federal Court to challenge the government’s suppression of information related to the Communications Security Establishment (“CSE”)’s warrantless spying on Canadians.
The BCCLA seeks to have information in the possession of the Canadian government disclosed in its lawsuit against the CSE. The BCCLA will argue that the information must be released. The disputed documents, which the BCCLA has received in a highly-redacted form, relate to the surveillance activities of the CSE.
The BCCLA filed a lawsuit in 2013 against the CSE claiming that its broad and unchecked surveillance of Canadians is unconstitutional. The lawsuit challenges the CSE’s mass interception and searching of Canadians’ international phone and Internet communications, including emails, web‑browsing content, and search‑engine requests.
Please note: The Federal Court allows audio recording during the court proceeding, however, filming or photographing in courtroom is not permitted.
What: The BCCLA will appear in Federal Court at a hearing to challenge the government’s suppression of information related to the CSE’s illegal spying on Canadians.
Who: The BCCLA will be represented by lawyers David J. Martin and Tamara Duncan of Martin and Associates.
When: Hearing begins at 9:30 am on Thursday, June 23, 2016. Mr. Martin will be available for a photo opportunity at 9:15 am as he enters the federal court building. It is expected that the BCCLA’s lawyer will begin their oral arguments at approximately 11:30 am.
Where: Courtroom 601, 6th Floor, 701 West Georgia Street
Read more about the case by clicking here.
Read the Statement of Claim by clicking here.