BCCLA hosts May 8 conference on legal cannabis
The British Columbia Civil Liberties Association is pleased to announce that “Beyond Prohibition: Legal Cannabis in Canada” will be held on Saturday May 8, 2004 at the Wosk Centre for […]
Anti-Cannabis Allegations Unsupported
In early February, on the heels of the tragic death of Canadian soldier Corporal Jamie Murphy in Afghanistan, Solicitor General Rich Coleman, the top cop in all of British Columbia, […]
UBC civil liberties group welcomes “Prince of Pot” to the UBC campus on March 2, 2004
The newly formed Civil Liberties Association of the University of British Columbia (CLA UBC) is pleased to announce that it is bringing cannabis activist, publisher and pot-tv producer Marc Emery […]
Civil Rights Group Speaks Out Against Pot Prohibition: Calls New Law Smoke and Mirrors
The British Columbia Civil Liberties Association is set to continue its 30 year long battle to legalize pot in Canada when BCCLA Policy Director Kirk Tousaw addresses a Parliamentary committee […]
BC Bud Legal – Possession of Cannabis Not a Crime In BC
The Provincial Court of British Colombia has determined that “…there is no offence known to law at this time for simple possession of marihuana.” In other words, cannabis possession is […]
Civil Rights Group Challenges Marijuana Prohibition
Thirty years after the LeDain Commission first recommended decriminalizing marijuana use, and just months following a Senate Special Committee report advocating outright legalization, Canada’s marijuana prohibition may finally be coming […]
Philip Owen honoured with Reg Robson Award at AGM
Professor Jamie Cameron from Osgoode Hall Law School to Speak at AGM The B.C. Civil Liberties Association will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Thursday March 27, 2003 at […]
BCCLA on a high heading into supreme court pot hearing tomorrow
The B.C. Civil Liberties Association is set to appear as an intervenor tomorrow when the Supreme Court of Canada hears three appeals jointly challenging Canada’s marijuana possession laws. Two of […]
Civil liberties group deplores closure of treatment facility for young female addicts
The BCCLA is dismayed to learn that the Campbell Valley Women’s Centre, the only intensive residential treatment facility for young women addicted to drugs and alcohol in British Columbia, will […]
A scarlet letter solution is a crooked route to take on drunken drivers
From the January 12, 2001 Vancouver Sun By Craig Jones There is no doubt that police initiatives are taking a bite out of drunk driving. What was once sadly commonplace, […]