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The Policing Indigenous Communities Initiative

The Policing Indigenous Communities Initiative is a multi-year and multi-pronged public legal education and law reform project whose goal is to address the disproportionate impact of policing on Indigenous communities in British Columbia.

Building on the BC Civil Liberties Association’s 56-year history of work on police accountability, we are partnering with leading Indigenous organizations in the province, such as the Union of BC Indian Chiefs, to transform the laws and policies that perpetuate the over-representation of Indigenous people in the law enforcement and criminal justice systems.

The Initiative has three components which will be launched throughout 2019. Explore them by clicking the buttons below:

Please return to this page and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates on the Policing Indigenous Communities Initiative. 

The Policing Indigenous Communities Initiative is generously funded by the Vancouver Foundation. Vancouver Foundation is dedicated to creating healthy, vibrant and livable communities across BC. Since 1943, their donors have created 1,800 endowment funds and together they have distributed more than $1 billion to charities. From arts and culture to the environment, health and social development, education, medical research and more, Vancouver Foundation exists to make meaningful and lasting improvements to communities in BC. 




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