Home / Gift Securities

Gift Securities

Donating a gift of securities (stock, bonds, or mutual funds) to the BCCLA is one of the most impactful ways to ensure we can continue protecting human rights and civil liberties now and into the future.

When you donate stocks, mutual funds and other securities, you pay no capital gains tax and receive a tax receipt for the full amount of the gift. It means a great tax break for you and greater impact for the BCCLA.

To make a gift of securities today, please fill out the Securities Donation Request Form and send it to your Investment Advisor / brokerage institution, who will arrange for the transfer of shares to the BCCLA’s broker.

You can also donate securities to the BCCLA through Canada Helps.

For more information about donating securities, please contact us at [email protected] or 604-630-9757.

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