Police don’t belong in schools
The BC Civil Liberties Association is opposed to the presence of School Liaison Officers or police in schools. Police in schools pose significant harms and rights violations for students and staff, particularly racialized and marginalized students living in heavily policed communities. The BC Human Rights Commissioner has called for an immediate end to the School Liaison Officer (SLO) program, expressing concern for the impacts on Black, Indigenous, and other people of colour, as well as students with disabilities or experiencing mental health challenges, and 2SLGBTQI+ youth.
The Police in Schools Pocketbook is designed to empower students across Canada by providing information on their rights during interactions with police at school, including information related to searches, the arrest process, safety tips, and the complaint process. This Pocketbook expands on our Police in Schools Resource created in response to the City of Vancouver and Vancouver School Board reinstating the SLO program only 2 years after BIPOC-led organizations and concerned parents had the program halted.
This guide is a companion guide to the 2023 Arrest Pocketbook and includes a QR code to The Arrest Handbook on the back – so that you can access your rights wherever you are.
Download the Police in Schools Pocketbook
Ordering Printed Copies
Printed copies of the Pocketbook are available at no charge to educators, community-serving groups, and organizations. Quantities are limited and may not be immediately available for shipping. Please fill out the form below if you would like to receive copies of the printed Pocketbook and we will reply to your request as soon as we are able. Some restrictions apply.
We acknowledge the support of the BCGEU and the Canadian Race Relations Foundation with funding provided by the Government of Canada.