Changes to RCMP Accountability Fall Far Short

  From time to time, the BCCLA hosts guest blog posts in order to further public discussion on topics of interest. This guest blog post represents the author’s personal opinion […]

Canada bans masks at riots in new law

  By Kate Stanton/ Published June 20, 2013   A new law, which bans the wearing of masks during riots, has gone into effect in Canada. Canadians have a worldwide […]

Wearing a mask at a riot is now a crime

  By Meagan Fitzpatrick/ Published June 19, 2013   MAXIMUM 10-YEAR PRISON TERM FOR CONVICTION OF NEW OFFENCE A bill that bans the wearing of masks during a riot or […]

BCCLA Seeks Development Manager – Job Posting

The BC Civil Liberties Association is one of Canada’s leading social and democratic justice NGOs. With a mandate that includes work on police accountability, government transparency, drug policy reform, human […]