Canada talks back about secret spying

By David Christopher/ Published March 19, 2014   It’s been a busy few months for anyone who cares about protecting the privacy of Canadians. Since last fall, Canadians have […]

Contraries of B.C. Civil Forfeiture

By Monisha Martins/ Maple Ridge News Published March 14, 2014     The lush rural property near Webster’s Corner was a retirement plan for the elementary school teacher. Purchased in […]

Federal Sex Work Laws Consultation

For more than 35 years the BC Civil Liberties Association has maintained that the exchange of sex for money should not be criminalized. The Supreme Court’s decision in December 2013 to […]

Civil Liberties Association renews calls for Border Services oversight

By Andrea Woo  / The Globe and mail Published on March 5, 2014 Canada Border Services Agency accused of failing to act on 800-page report released seven years ago […]

Request for privacy law changes worries BCCLA

By Jason Howe / Published on March 2, 2014 VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – Amid a rise in mental health cases, Vancouver police are calling for privacy law changes. Civil liberties […]

Rights groups want independent CBSA watchdog

 By Thomas Molander/ News 1130  Published March 5, 2014 VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – The BC Civil Liberties Association is again stressing the need for an independent body that can review […]