The Stand up for the North Committee is hosting a public meeting to discuss the new anti-terror legislation as proposed by the federal government. There will be an introductory presentation from the Stand up for the North Committee, followed by the main speaker, our own Josh Paterson, Executive Director of the BCCLA. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss this legislation’s possible implications for the rights of Canadians. Many question the breadth of the legislation and worry that it will lead to a targeting of advocate and activist groups and a curtailment of civil liberties.
Everyone is welcome to attend and participate in this free event.
Time: 7 pm, Tuesday, March 10th, 2015
Place: Room 1-306, College of New Caledonia, Prince George, BC
Organized by: Stand Up for the North Committee
Sponsoring organizations: Faculty Association of CNC; Sea to Sands Conservation Alliance
For further info call: (250) 562-0015, email: [email protected] or visit the Facebook event page