Home / Donation FAQs

Donation FAQs

Q. The donate page isn’t working! How can I make my donation?

A. Send an email with your contact information to development@bccla.org, or leave a voicemail at 604-630-9757.

Q. I put my donation in the mail before the end of the year – can I be sure I will get a tax receipt?

A. If your donation is post-stamped in the current calendar year, we will provide a tax receipt that year.

UPDATE: On December 30, 2024, the Government of Canada announced that it intends to extend the 2024 charitable donation deadline from December 31, 2024, to February 28, 2025. This would mean that donations made up until the end of February would qualify for a 2024 charitable tax receipt.

This extension is intended to mitigate the impacts of the four-week Canada Post mail stoppage by providing both donors and charities with sufficient time to ensure contributions are received and processed.

If you donated to the BC Civil Liberties Association by December 31, 2024, you qualify for a 2024 tax receipt. It is likely that charitable donations made between January 1, 2025, to February 28, 2025 will qualify for a 2024 charitable tax receipt as well; however, there are no guarantees until the legislative amendments pass on their intended date: January 27, 2025.

At the time of writing there are no further updates to the December 30 government press release. The recent announcement of plans to prorogue (suspend) Parliament until March 24, 2025, may further impact this charitable donation deadline. We will update this page as soon as we know more.

Q. When will I receive my tax receipt?

A. We use a yearly receipting model, so all of your year’s donations will be receipted at once in February, in preparation for tax season.

Q. How can update my monthly donation amount or change my credit card information?

A. The easiest way to update your donation or payment information is via our Supporter Portal: https://act.bccla.org/supporter_portal. If you need any support to set up an account or make changes please send an email with your contact information to development@bccla.org, or leave a voicemail at 604-630-9757.

Q. Can I donate using PayPal?

A. Yes! We accept PayPal donations through our Canada Helps page.

Q. Can I leave a legacy in my will?

A. Yes! This a long-lasting way to support the work of the BCCLA. You can find more about how to do this on our Leave a Legacy page.

Q. Can I make a donation of securities (stocks, bonds, or mutual funds)?

A. Yes! You can find instructions on how to do this on our Gift Securities page.

Q. Is my entire donation eligible for a tax receipt?

A. Yes, your donation will be receipted in its entirety, regardless of any payment processing fees.

Q. Will I get a tax receipt for my membership fee?

A. Yes, your membership fee is also eligible for a tax receipt.

Q. When does the office close for the holidays?

A. We are usually closed during the last two weeks of December.

Q. I want to donate by phone but the office is closed. What should I do?

A. Send an email with your contact information to development@bccla.org, or leave a voicemail at 604-630-9757 with your full name and contact information and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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