One more birthday in Guantánamo

 *Update* Omar Khadr was finally repatriated to Canada on September 29. Under Canadian law, he will be eligible for release under parole by June 2013. But his return does not mean […]

In the Mind of the Minister

On Thursday, former Minister of Public Safety Stockwell Day appeared in a Vancouver courtroom to testify in Mohammad Mahjoub’s ongoing challenge to his security certificate. The BCCLA National Security Blog […]

The Bureaucratization of Misconduct

Earlier this year, Jim Bronskill reported on a series of very disturbing ministerial directives at CSIS relating to the use of information derived from torture and sharing information that could […]

Ten Years of Shame

July 27, 2012 marks the ten-year anniversary of Omar Khadr’s capture by American troops in Afghanistan. Ten years since the 15-year old boy from Toronto was taken from a battlefield, […]


Last week, Minister of Justice Rob Nicholson ordered the surrender of Hassan Diab to the Republic of France. As readers of these pages will know, Mr. Diab is a Canadian […]

No means no, redux

Just when it looks like the ministerial directives at CSIS couldn’t get more troubling, Jim Bronskill and his Access to Information requests uncover ever more disturbing material. As readers of […]

Read before crossing

If you’re like us at the BCCLA National Security Blog, you store a lot of personal and private information on your laptops, smart phones, and other portable electronic devices. Today, […]

What’s bogus?

The government is keeping us busy this week. Two days after tabling the “lawful access” bill, government tabled Bill C-31, the so-called “Protecting Canada’s Immigration System Act”, a draconian overhaul […]

Access this

This morning, the government tabled its so-called “lawful access” bill — which, if enacted, would enormously expand the ability of law enforcement agencies to engage in telecommunications surveillance (and for […]