BCCLA decries injunction against fur protest

The B.C. Civil Liberties Association is preparing to take legal action over an injunction granted this week in Kelowna. Kelowna Fur-Town (1991) Ltd., which operates a retail fur store in […]

University of Victoria puts shackles on speech

This fall, the B.C. Civil Liberties Association has awarded the University of Victoria a failing grade in Free Speech 101. Lorenzo Bouchard is an “anti-treaty” protesters whose modus operandi includes […]

A four year elected dictatorship?

“If governments are to remain responsible to the people who elect them, then elected representatives must have the power to force unpopular and corrupt governments to return to the people […]

Don’t block free speech

The Supreme Court is about to wrestle with two key anti-speech cases, including one on child pornography. A democracy must not padlock its citizen’s lips, even if the causes are […]

BCCLA condemns university harassment decision

The B.C. Civil Liberties Association has sent a strongly worded letter to senior officials of the University of Victoria condemning the decision of Dr. Penelope Codding, Vice President, Academic and […]