BCCLA Files Police Complaint Against Victoria Police

The British Columbia Civil Liberties Association filed a complaint with the Office of the Police Complaints Commissioner today over the treatment of 15-year-old Willow Kinloch by the Victoria Police Department. […]

Robert Latimer Files Appeal of Parole Denial

Robert Latimer filed an appeal of the denial of his request for day parole at the Appeal Division of the National Parole Board this Wednesday, January 23, 2008. The British […]

Government Ceases Afghan Detainee Transfers

The Government of Canada has informed the BC Civil Liberties Association and Amnesty International Canada that it has ordered the Canadian Forces to cease all transfers of detainees into Afghan […]

Torture Documents

The BCCLA has obtained and is publicly releasing documents containing graphic and appalling reports of torture received first-hand by Canadian officials from the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. […]

BCCLA & Amnesty v. Chief of Defence

Amnesty International Canada and British Columbia Civil Liberties Association v. Chief of Defence Staff for the Canadian Armed Forces, General Rick J. Hillier, Minister of National Defence and Attorney General […]

Privacy Protection

BCCLA and B.C. Freedom of Information and Privacy Association (FIPA) report to parliamentary committee regarding the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) Read the Report here>>


HOTTIES: BC Attorney General Wally Oppal and Solicitor General John Les Full hottie status for ordering a public inquiry into the taser-implicated death of Robert Dziekanski at the Vancouver airport. […]