RCMP Change Policy After BCCLA Complaints

Following a series of complaints made by the BCCLA about the RCMP ending in custody death conduct investigations before the investigations were complete, the RCMP notified the BCCLA yesterday that […]

Supreme Court of Canada Upholds Property Seizure Law

The Supreme Court of Canada released its judgment today in Chatterjee v. Attorney General of Ontario, upholding the constitutionality Ontario’s Civil Remedies Act, a law which allows the province to […]

Single Transferable Vote in Referendum

The B.C. Civil Liberties Association endorses the Single Transferable Vote system, which will be considered by B.C. voters in the upcoming May 12 BC Electoral Referendum. The referendum will select […]

BCCLA Says Federal Government Must Bring Khadr Home

In the wake of this week’s firing and rehiring, of Omar Khadr’s American military lawyer, the BCCLA again demanded the child soldier’s repatriation. “The American military trial processes relating to […]