BCCLA opposes Quebec bill banning face veils

Vancouver, B.C. – The BCCLA is opposing the Quebec government’s attempt to restrict the wearing of the niqab through Bill 94. Although equality rights include the right to access employment, […]

BCCLA supports class action against DNA database

The BCCLA welcomes the news that a Vancouver parent is launching a class action lawsuit against the Province following revelations that B.C. had been secretly storing 800,000 DNA records without […]

New law may create largest DNA database in Canada

Recent revelations that B.C.’s health authorities are secretly storing and testing children’s DNA without parental consent, combined with provisions of Bill 11 that allow B.C.’s Minister of Health to gather […]

Students and BCCLA to fight censorship at U Vic

Youth Protecting Youth (YPY), a pro-life student club at the University of Victoria, has initiated a legal action against the University of Victoria Student Society in B.C. Supreme Court. The […]