BCCLA calls for inquiry into G8/G20 policing

The BC Civil Liberties Association is supporting the call for a public inquiry into alleged widespread violations of the right to peaceful protest, the right to access counsel after arrest, […]

BCCLA celebrates the end of police self investigation

The BCCLA celebrated Friday’s announcement by B.C. Provincial Solicitor General Mike De Jong that the Province would end the practice of police investigating themselves by establishing a new civilian investigation […]

Cannabis pharmacy raids abusive, says BCCLA

The BCCLA objects to a police-led campaign to shut down medical cannabis pharmacies across Canada. Quebec police shut down three medical cannabis dispensaries, also known as “compassion clubs” today, arresting […]

BCCLA calls for transparency in MP expenses

(Vancouver) The B.C. Civil Liberties Association is calling for Member of Parliament expense accounts to be opened to the Federal Auditor General. The call comes in the wake of news […]