Home / BCCLA to set up chapter in capital of B.C.’s north: Prince George

BCCLA to set up chapter in capital of B.C.’s north: Prince George

The BCCLA will be visiting Prince George in mid-July to set up a volunteer chapter of the organization, the first in a decade. The Prince George chapter will be volunteer run and will consist of local lawyers, teachers, activists, and others interested in human rights and civil liberties issues in the area.

“The BCCLA has an abiding interest in being represented in all regions of the province on local human rights and civil liberties issues,” said Robert Holmes, Q.C., President of the BCCLA. “We have chosen Prince George for the first stop in this outreach effort for a number of reasons, including that it is a capital of the north, that there have been a disproportionate number of civil liberties issues there, and that we’ve had a very warm welcome from locals of Prince George who want to join and assist us.”

The BCCLA has been concerned about repeated issues involving the RCMP in Prince George, including allegations around officer involvement with underage aboriginal sex workers the investigation of which was foiled by undue delay, the death of Clayton Alvin Willey following repeated blows and tasering at the detachment, and, most recently, the allegations of J.A. of inappropriate conduct by officers in the area. Prince George deservedly calls itself the capital of B.C.’s north, and is a short distance to Houston (Ian Bush), Vanderhoof (Kevin St. Arnaud), Williams Lake, and Hazelton (Rodney Jackson), all areas and cases of interest to the Association.

“We are urging anyone who is interested in becoming involved in the Association to contact us, and to come to the public meeting on the 20th,” said Holmes.

What: Public meeting to establish the BCCLA Prince George Chapter
Where: Prince George Public Library Bob Harkins Branch (Downtown) 887 Dominion St.
When: July 20, 2011 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Who: All members of the public welcome, media welcome for the first half hour. Interested members of the public should contact [email protected] for further details.

Robert Holmes, Q.C., President, (604) 838-6856
David Eby, Executive Director, (604) 630-9753