Home / BCCLA welcomes the opening of the Independent Investigation Office

BCCLA welcomes the opening of the Independent Investigation Office

The BC Civil Liberties Association is welcoming the news that BC’s new civilian watchdog will be investigating police involved deaths in the province, starting today. The Independent Investigation Office is finally opening its doors after two public inquiries recommended it, years of advocacy for its establishment by the BCCLA, and a call for independent investigations by the BC Association of Chiefs of Police.

“We are very glad that this office is open and ready to go,” said Lindsay Lyster, President of the BCCLA. “Our organization has pushed for an end to police self-investigation in BC for some time, and we are glad to see this milestone achieved.”

At both the Frank Paul Inquiry and the Inquiry into the death of Robert Dziekanski, the BCCLA urged the Commissioners involved to end the practice of police-self investigation in the province. Both Commissioners recommended the implementation of the Independent Investigation Office. The RCMP and municipal police in BC have been very cooperative with the office to date, and have signed a memorandum of understanding with the IIO.

“While we are pleased to see this office open, our vigilance around police-involved deaths and cases of serious harm involving police is not at an end,” says Lyster. “The BCCLA will be monitoring the IIO and police to ensure that complete, thorough and impartial investigations are completed in all cases, every time, and that police cooperation continues with this critically important process.”

Lyster also noted that the BCCLA is hopeful that the IIO mandate expands rapidly to include, for example, allegations of sexual assaults and less serious physical injuries. Currently the office only deals with physically disabling injuries and deaths involving police.

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