Home / BCCLA to argue for protection of open court principle at the Supreme Court of Canada

BCCLA to argue for protection of open court principle at the Supreme Court of Canada

Ottawa – On Thursday, May 10, 2012, the BCCLA will present oral arguments before the Supreme Court of Canada in A.B. v. Bragg. The BCCLA is an intervener in the case.

A.B. is a teenager pursuing an action in defamation based on a fake Facebook profile. At issue in this case is the impact her request for orders shielding her identity and removing the allegedly defamatory Facebook contents from the public record would have on freedom of expression and the open courts principle.

The BCCLA will argue that in defamation cases, the public needs to know what speech is being held to be defamatory in order to understand and assess what constitutes defamatory speech, and what limits the courts have placed on freedom of expression in order to protect reputation.

The BCCLA is represented by Marko Vesely, Chris Sanderson, Q.C. and Toby Kruger of Lawson Lundell LLP.

The BCCLA’s argument at the Supreme Court of Canada is available here >>

What: BCCLA to argue at Supreme Court of Canada in A.B. v. Bragg on May 10, 2012.

Where: Supreme Court of Canada (Ottawa, Ontario)

Who: Lawyers for the BCCLA will be available for comment