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Security Certificate Detainee to Speak Out in Vancouver

Adil Charkaoui, the lead litigant in the successful constitutional challenge of Canada’s security certificate and secret trial regime at the Supreme Court of Canada is coming to Vancouver. The B.C. Civil Liberties Association, in partnership with No One Is Illegal and other local organizations will be welcoming Mr. Charkaoui to speak about his experiences at a public forum this Friday: Public forum with security certificate detainee Adil Charkaoui

When: Friday, June 26, 6:30 p.m

Where: SFU Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings

Mr. Charkaoui will also be speaking out about his experiences at a press conference this Thursday morning, with representatives from a number of national and international rights organizations including Jason Gratl, vice-president of the B.C. Civil Liberties Association who intervened on behalf of the Association at the Supreme Court of Canada in Mr. Charkaoui’s case.
Press conference

When: Thursday, June 25 at 10:30 a.m.

Where: BCCLA Office, Suite 550, 1188 West Georgia Street

Who: Adil Charkaoui, security certificate detainee

Jason Gratl, BCCLA vice-president, lawyer for intervenors in Charkaoui case

Don Wright, Amnesty International, Vancouver office

Fernand Dechamps, Justice for Adil Charkaoui Coalition, Montreal

Harjap Grewal, Council of Canadians – BC / Yukon Regional Organizer

Mr. Charkaoui was arrested under a security certificate in May 2003. Along with four other Muslim men, he constitutes the “Secret Trial Five” held under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. Security Certificates allow for the preventive arrest and detention of non-citizens, without charge. The process relies on secret evidence that often includes vague allegations, which can lead to indefinite detention and possible deportation to torture. Security certificates reverse the fundamental rule of innocent until proven guilty.

Media Contacts:
Adil Charkaoui, c/o Harsha Walia (No One Is Illegal) (778) 885-0040
Jason Gratl, B.C. Civil Liberties Association, (604) 317-1919
David Eby, B.C. Civil Liberties Association, (778) 865-7997
Harjap Grewal, Council of Canadians, (778)552-2099