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Speaker’s Bureau

If you would like to have a speaker from the B.C. Civil Liberties Association for your meeting, event or classroom, contact the Association office at [email protected] or call 604.630.9748.

The following are examples of presentations that have been made by the BCCLA:

  • Civil Liberties Post 9/11
  • Surveillance and Secrecy: The War on Terror in   Canada
  • Civil Liberties and New Technologies
  • Civil Liberties and Public Space
  • The Impact of the U.S.A Patriot Act on Canadian   Privacy Rights
  • Privacy and Electronic Medical Records
  • Intellectual Freedom for Children and Youth
  • HIV Disclosure by Police and Media
  • Racial Profiling
  • Police Accountability

A speakers honorarium for these talks is appreciated.  Honoraria for these talks work to offset the cost of preparing presentations and ensure that our education and outreach programs can continue.


Give your time and expertise to advance human rights and civil liberties!