Home / BC Civil Liberties Association holds a free public workshop on BC Services Card Research Project

BC Civil Liberties Association holds a free public workshop on BC Services Card Research Project

Friday April 26, 2013
SFU-Woodwards (World Art Centre)
1-5 pm (reception to follow)

Free and open to the public

For the last several years, British Columbia has been developing the technical infrastructure and legal framework for a comprehensive identity card system. This year, the BC Services Card was introduced. This is a mandatory provincial card replacing the health CareCard and allowing for the addition of a range of government services, beginning with the driver’s licence.

The BC Services Card is part of major change in the way government agencies collect, access and share personal information. BC’s Information and Privacy Commissioner has serious concerns about the new card and its underlying data linking system. She has recommended broad public consultation before Phase II of the BC Services Card program is implemented.

The intention of the BC Services Card is to enhance the provision of services and the security of information. However, such systems have well known security risks and privacy implications. Can we get the balance right in developing a new system? That is the subject of the report and the pressing question that a panel of experts, advocates in privacy and computer security will be discussing, including:

Christian Paquin
, Microsoft Research
Micheal Vonn, Policy Director, BCCLA
Bradley Weldon, Policy Analyst, Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of BC
Dr. Andrew Clement, University of Toronto; Policy Director of the Identity, Privacy & Security Institute
Christopher Parsons, University of Victoria; Block G Privacy and Security Consulting
Vincent Gogolek, Executive Director, Freedom of Information & Privacy Association
Dr. Kate Milberry, Report author

This important academic research and workshop are funded by the Privacy Commissioner of Canada through the Contributions Program.