Home / Prosecutors promise decision in Boyd police shooting case by August 31

Prosecutors promise decision in Boyd police shooting case by August 31

Two years ago, on August 13, 2007, Vancouver animator Paul Boyd was shot by members of the Vancouver Police Department and still no decisions have been made on whether or not involved officers acted properly.

A spokesperson for the Criminal Justice Branch advised the BCCLA on Thursday that their office expects to release a decision on the file by the end of the month, and that they are reviewing their internal processes to prevent future similar delays.

Since the completion of the VPD investigation, the investigation file completed by the Vancouver Police Department has been at the Crown office awaiting a determination about whether the involved police broke any criminal laws.

”Whether this officer, or these officers, seriously breached policy and Mr. Boyd died as a result, or they followed policy to the letter and this was an unavoidable incident, a two year delay has irreparable effects on Paul’s family, the involved officers, and public confidence,” said David Eby, Executive Director of the B.C. Civil Liberties Association. “Delays like this are simply inexcusable, and we’re glad to hear the Crown is moving to eliminate them.”

The VPD says no internal determinations on any potential policy breaches by the involved officers can take place until a decision is made on whether or not to criminally charge the involved officers. Similarly, a coroner’s inquest into Mr. Boyd’s death has also been on hold awaiting this decision on criminal charges.

The family of Mr. Boyd tells the BCCLA that they support prompt action and the BCCLA’s call for reform. In response to a letter sent by the BCCLA to the Attorney General’s office in April of this year requesting immediate action, the Deputy Attorney General advised the BCCLA that the Paul Boyd file was “an electronic file with over 6000 pages,” intimating that the size of the file had contributed to the delay, as a result of a “thorough and careful review.”

Letter to Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General >>
Letter to Vancouver Police Department >>
Letter to Attorney General >>

Media Contact:
David Eby, Executive Director: (778) 865-7997