
If you are arrested and charged with an indictable or hybrid offence you will be fingerprinted, photographed and measured. This is authorized by the Identification of Criminals Act.

That Act also permits the fingerprints, photos and measurements to be shared with other law enforcement officers.

Blood Samples, Oral Swabs, Hair Samples for DNA Testing

You do not have to give a sample of your blood or hair or allow the police to take an oral swab of the inside of your cheek for DNA testing except if the police have a warrant requiring you to do so.

You may be asked to provide a blood sample or an oral swab or a urine or hair sample for the purposes of getting DNA evidence about you. It is not a good idea to give permission before you speak to a lawyer.

If you do not know a lawyer you may find one through the Canadian Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service; community legal aid clinics may also be of some assistance.